Thursday, April 9, 2015

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) using Selenium WebDriver and Cucumber-JVM: A Step by Step Tutorial

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) using Selenium WebDriver and Cucumber-JVM:  A Step by Step Tutorial
Software Quality Engineering


BDD Basics: Behavior-Driven Development also known as Acceptance Test-Driven Development is an agile development practice that has evolved from Test-Driven Development (TDD). BDD was introduced by Dan North (for more information visit Behavior-Driven Development provides answers to two important questions:

·         What to test
·         When to test

Behavior-Driven Development has the following benefits:
·         Fast feedback to the development team
·         Stakeholder involvement
·         Tests are written early in the development process
·         Tests are based on user (stakeholder) Acceptance criteria
·         Tests are written in a language (English) that business/non-technical folks can understand

BDD = TDD + automated acceptance testing.

Intended Audience: This tutorial is meant for software test engineers, test automation engineers, or programmers who may be interested in learning how to implement Behavior-Driven Development (aka Acceptance Test-Driven Development) using Cucumber-JVM in Java and Selenium WebDriver.  The tutorial assumes the user has basic familiarity with Java, Selenium, Eclipse, Maven, and MS Windows 7.

The tools you will need

·         Java (JDK 7 or later)
·         Cucumber-JVM
·         Eclipse
·         Maven
·         Selenium WebDriver

Installation and Setup

1.    Java (JDK): You may install JDK by

-      downloading it from

-      run the JDK installer
-      Update the PATH variable
-      From the command line type: java –version to verify that java was installed correctly, you should see something similar to the screenshot below.

2.    Eclipse:  Download and install Eclipse from . For this tutorial I used Eclipse Kepler -- Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.             Follow the instruction provided in download package to install Eclipse or visit for installation instruction.

3.    Maven:  You may install Maven plugin from Eclipse IDE as follows:-

a.    Launch Eclipse IDE

b.    From Eclipse IDE navigate to Help à Install New Software…

C.  Click Add button at top right corner.
d. At the dialog box pop up: fill in the Name as "M2Eclipse" and Location as
e. Click the Ok button and follow instruction to complete the installation.

After the installation, verify that Maven has been installed:
a.    Go to Window à Preferences
b.    Observe, Maven is enlisted at left panel
c.     Launch the command line to verify that Maven has been installed and configured correctly,    type: mvn –v and you will get something similar to the screenshot below:

4.    Cucumber-JVM:  You may install the Cucumber-Eclipse plugin as follows

    1. Launch Eclipse, if it is not running already
    2. Click Help à Install New Software…
    3. Click the Add button on the Install dialog box
    4. Enter Cucumber Eclipse Plugin in the Name textbox In the Location textbox enter
    5. Click Ok button
    6. Select the latest version of Cucumber Eclipse Plugin checkbox from the   Available software window
    7. Click Next
    8. Follow instructions on the screen to complete the setup

5.    Selenium WebDriver: Download the latest version of Selenium (version 2.45.0 was used for this tutorial) from; use the selenium installation documentation from that website to setup and configure Selenium. We will configure Eclipse to work with Selenium in a later section.

Let’s Get Started

In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to use the Cucumber-JVM framework with Selenium WebDriver to implement Behavior-Driven Development in Java. Developers, QA, and non-technical/Business people can work together to write features and scenarios in Gherkin language. The features and scenarios are based on the feature/user story under test.

Create the Project:
1.    Launch Eclipse and point it to a workspace (where you would like your project to reside)
2.    Create a new maven project
a.    Project à New à other…

b.    Select Maven project  from the Select a wizard dialog box and click Next from the dialog box that appears

c.     Place a check mark on the Create a Simple Project (skip archetype selection) checkbox on the New Maven Project dialog box and click the Next button


d.    In the New Maven Project (Configure project) dialog box, fill in the required fields. A sample is shown below; you may choose a different Group ID, artifact ID, and Name for your project.  Click the Finish button.

3.    Your project has been created; verify that the project structure is similar to the screen shot below.

4.    Verify that the JRE System Library is the same as the installed JRE version on your computer, if not change it to be the same. To change the JRE System Library, do the following:
a.    Select and right-click the JRE System Library folder from your project
b.    Select Build Path à Configure Build path… from the context menu to open the Java Build Path dialog box
c.     Select the JRE System Library (J2SE-XX) and press the Remove button from the Libraries tab
d.    Click the Add Library button to open the Add Library dialog box
e.    Select JRE System Library from the Add Library dialog box and click Next.
f.     Select the Workspace default JRE (jren, where n is the JRE version), if it is not already selected.
g.    Click Finish.
h.    Click Ok, to accept the change you just made and  close the Java Build Path window
5.    Add dependencies to the POM file. To add a dependency, do the following:
a.    From your project right-click the POM.xml file
b.    Select Maven à Add Dependency from the context menu to display  the Add Dependency dialog box
c.     Complete the fields in the Add Dependency dialog box and click Ok.
                                                                                          i.    For this tutorial I added the following dependencies; please make sure the version numbers you use match the versions of the tools installed on your PC:



   <artifactId> junit</artifactId>

   <artifactId> selenium-java</artifactId>

   <artifactId> cucumber-core</artifactId>

   <artifactId> cucumber-html</artifactId>

   <artifactId> cucumber-jvm-deps</artifactId>



6.    Add plugin(s) to the POM file. To add a plugin do the following:
a.    From your project, right-click the POM.xml file
b.    Select Maven à Add Dependency from the context menu to display  the Add Plugin dialog box
c.     Complete the fields in the Add Plugin dialog box and click the Ok button to accept your change and close the dialog box.
                                                                                          i.    For this tutorial I added the following plugin:
(Hint: after you add the plugin, open the POM file with Maven POM Editor, select the POM.xml tab to include the configuration section to the Plugin)

7.    Now, we will create a new package to make a home for the feature file(s)
a.    Select and expand the project in Package Explorer, if it is not already expanded
b.    Right-click on src/test/resources
c.     Select New à Package from the context menu, to display the New Java Package dialog box

d.    Enter a name for the package and click Finish


e.    We will now create a feature file in the package we just created.
                                                                                          i.    Right-click the package we just added in the last step and click New à File from the context menu, to open the New File dialog box


                                                                                        ii.    Enter the name of your feature file in the New File dialog box (be sure to include a .feature extension), and click the Finish button

f.     Enter the following text in the file we just created

Verify that your project looks like the screenshot below:

g.    Now, we will create a package where our step definition (and other java) class(es) will live.
                                                                                          i.    From the project tree in Eclipse, right-click on src/test/java
                                                                                        ii.    Select New à Package to display the New Java Package dialog box (see the screenshot in step 7 c.)
                                                                                       iii.    Enter a name for the new package in the New Java Package dialog box and click Finish

h.    Create a new class in the package we just created, to define the steps in the feature file we created earlier
                                                                                          i.    Right-click the package created above and select New à Class from the context menu to display the New Java Class dialog box


                                                                                        ii.    Enter a name for your class in the New Java Class dialog box, then click the Finish button

                                                                                       iii.    Include the following code in the import section of the step definition file we just created:
import cucumber.api.DataTable;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

                                                                                       iv.    We will create another java class that will run our test
1.    Follow the instruction about creating a new class, but this time name the class RunCukesTest
2.    Copy the following code into the class:
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions ( plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-htmlreport", "json:target/cucumber-report.json"})

The new class looks like below (ignore the errors for now):

                                                                                        v.    We need to tell the project where to fine selenium libraries and other jar files the project needs
1.    Right-click the project and select Build Path Configure Build Path from the context menu, to display the project properties window

2.    In the project properties dialog box click the Libraries tab to make it the active tab
3.    Click the Add External JARs… button to open the Jar Selection dialog box

4.    Point the JAR selection to your selenium location and add all the jar files in the selenium folder and subfolder(s) to the project

5.    Click Ok to accept your changes and close the project properties dialog box. Notice that most of the errors are resolved after the project was updated

6.    We will further update the project with the dependency jar files that we added to the POM file earlier.  I have included a folder called jars in the tutorial zip file. Copy that folder to your project folder and repeat step 4 above to include the dependency files in your project’s external jar path. Alternatively, you may download these files from the internet or configure Maven to manage these dependencies for you– see the files you need on the screenshot below. After you add the files, you will notice that all the project errors are resolved

                                                                                       vi.    Write the step definition code to make use of the feature file we created earlier
1.    Run the project so that the Cucumber API will generate the binding code we will need to create our step definition implementation
a.    Right-click the project and select Run As à Maven test


b.    Wait for Maven test execution to complete
c.     Locate the console tab (usually on displayed on the bottom pane of Eclipse window)

d.    Copy the code snippet that has been generated for us, to the step definition class.


e.    Write the code to implement the steps. The completed step definition code is shown in the screenshot below. Be sure to download IEDriverServer and point the file library to it as shown in setup method below. Open the zipped project file in Eclipse for more details.

                                                                                      vii.    Run the test
1.    Before we can run the test we need to setup the BMI website on the local PC
a.    Unzip, included with this tutorial, to C:\inetpub\wwwroot  (assuming Windows is installed on your C drive)
b.    Launch IIS on your local PC and create a new website to host the BMI web application. Visit for more information on configuring and hosting a website on your local machine. You may use the document, HostingBMICalculatorForDemo.pdf, to setup and run the BMI calculator on your local PC.
c.     Verify that the new website is functional.
2.     Run the test from Eclipse IDE; Right-click the project and select Run As à Maven test
                                                                                    viii.    View test results
1.    From Eclipse, expand the project, if it is not already expanded
2.    Expand the target folder
3.    Expand  the cucumber-htmlreport folder
4.    Double-click the index.html file to open the test report (see screenshot below)

You can download the completed project
You are done!!! I hope it worked for you.